Idl Read Entire Row of a File
Read unabridged file
Y'all are encouraged to solve this task according to the job description, using any linguistic communication yous may know.
- Task
Load the unabridged contents of some text file as a single string variable.
If applicable, discuss: encoding pick, the possibility of memory-mapping.
Of form, in do ane should avoid reading an unabridged file at once if the file is large and the chore can be accomplished incrementally instead (in which case check File IO); this is for those cases where having the unabridged file is actually what is wanted.
- i 11l
- 2 8th
- 3 Action!
- 4 Ada
- four.1 Ada.Direct_IO
- 4.two POSIX.Memory_Mapping
- 5 ALGOL 68
- 6 Amazing Hopper
- 7 AppleScript
- 8 Arturo
- 9 ATS
- x AutoHotkey
- 11 AutoIt
- 12 AWK
- 13 Bacon
- 14 BASIC
- 14.1 Commodore BASIC
- xiv.2 BASIC256
- 14.3 Truthful Basic
- 14.4 Yabasic
- 16 Bracmat
- 17 Brainf***
- 18 Brat
- 19 C
- 19.i Memory map
- 20 C#
- 21 C++
- 22 Clojure
- 23 CMake
- 24 Common Lisp
- 25 Crystal
- 26 D
- 27 Delphi
- 28 Déjà Vu
- 29 E
- 30 Elixir
- 31 Emacs Lisp
- 32 Erlang
- 33 Euphoria
- 34 F#
- 35 Factor
- 36 Fantom
- 37 Forth
- 38 Fortran
- Intel Fortran on Windows
- 39 FreeBASIC
- 40 Frink
- 41 FutureBasic
- 42 Gambas
- 43 GAP
- 44 Genie
- 45 Go
- 46 Groovy
- 47 GUISS
- 48 Haskell
- 49 Icon and Unicon
- 50 Inform seven
- 51 J
- 52 Java
- 53 JavaScript
- 54 jq
- 55 Jsish
- 56 Julia
- 57 KAP
- 58 Kotlin
- 59 LabVIEW
- 60 Lang5
- 61 Lasso
- 62 LFE
- 63 Liberty BASIC
- 64 Lingo
- 65 LiveCode
- 66 Lua
- 67 M2000 Interpreter
- 68 M4
- 69 Make
- 70 Maple
- 71 Mathematica/Wolfram Language
- 72 MATLAB / Octave
- 73 Mercury
- 74 Microsoft Small Basic
- 75 Nanoquery
- 76 Neko
- 77 NetRexx
- 78 NewLISP
- 79 Nim
- 80 Objeck
- 81 Objective-C
- 82 OCaml
- 83 Ol
- 84 ooRexx
- version ane
- 84.2 version two EXECIO
- 85 OxygenBasic
- 86 Oz
- 87 Panda
- 88 PARI/GP
- 89 Pascal
- 90 Perl
- Memory-mapping
- 91 Phix
- 92 PHP
- 93 PicoLisp
- 94 Freeway
- 95 PL/I
- 96 PowerShell
- 97 PureBasic
- 98 Python
- 99 Quackery
- 100 Q
- 101 R
- 102 Dissonance
- 103 Raku
- 104 Raven
- 105 REALbasic
- 106 REBOL
- 107 Retro
- 108 REXX
- 108.i using LINEIN
- 108.2 using CHARIN
- 109 Ring
- 110 Ruby
- 111 Run BASIC
- 112 Rust
- 113 Scala
- 114 Scheme
- 115 Seed7
- 116 SenseTalk
- 117 Sidef
- 118 Smalltalk
- 119 SNOBOL4
- 120 Sparkling
- 121 SPL
- 122 Standard ML
- 123 Stata
- 124 Swift
- 125 Tcl
- 127 TXR
- 128 UNIX Shell
- 129 Ursa
- 130 Vala
- 131 VBScript
- 132 Vedit macro language
- 133 Visual Basic
- 134 Visual Basic .NET
- 135 Wart
- 136 Wren
- 137 XPL0
- 138 Xtend
- 139 Yorick
- 140 zkl
11l [edit]
8th [edit]
The "slurp" word will read the entire contents of the file into memory, as-is, and give a "buffer". The ">south" converts that to a cord, again "as-is"
"somefile.txt" f:slurp >s
Action! [edit]
proc Master()
char assortment Cord
open (ane,"D:FILE.TXT",iv,0)
Ada [edit]
Ada.Direct_IO [edit]
Using Ada.Directories to first enquire for the file size and then Ada.Direct_IO to read the whole file in one clamper:
with Ada.Directories,
Ada.Text_IO;process Whole_File is
File_Name : String := "whole_file.adb";
File_Size : Natural := Natural (Ada.Directories.Size (File_Name) );subtype File_String is String ( one .. File_Size );
package File_String_IO is new Ada.Direct_IO (File_String);File : File_String_IO.File_Type;
Contents : File_String;begin
File_String_IO.Open up (File, Mode => File_String_IO.In_File,
Name => File_Name);
File_String_IO.Read (File, Detail => Contents);
File_String_IO.Close (File);Ada.Text_IO.Put (Contents);
end Whole_File;
This kind of solution is limited a bit past the fact that the GNAT implementation of Ada.Direct_IO starting time allocates a copy of the read object on the stack inside Ada.Direct_IO.Read. On Linux you tin can utilize the command "limit stacksize 1024M
" to increase the available stack for your processes to 1Gb, which gives your programme more than liberty to utilize the stack for allocating objects.
POSIX.Memory_Mapping [edit]
Mapping the whole file into the address infinite of your process and so overlaying the file with a String object.
with Ada.Text_IO,
System.Storage_Elements;procedure Read_Entire_File is
utilise POSIX, POSIX.IO, POSIX.Memory_Mapping;
use System.Storage_Elements;Text_File : File_Descriptor;
Text_Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset;
Text_Address : System.Address;brainstorm
Text_File := Open (Name => "read_entire_file.adb",
Mode => Read_Only);
Text_Size := Storage_Offset (File_Size (Text_File) );
Text_Address := Map_Memory (Length => Text_Size,
Protection => Allow_Read,
Mapping => Map_Shared,
File => Text_File,
Offset => 0 );declare
Text : Cord ( 1 .. Natural (Text_Size) );
for Text'Accost use Text_Address;
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Text);
end;Unmap_Memory (First => Text_Address,
Length => Text_Size);
Close (File => Text_File);
end Read_Entire_File;
Character encodings and their handling are non really specified in Ada. What Ada does specify is 3 dissimilar grapheme types (and corresponding string types):
- Graphic symbol - containing the set of ISO-8859-one characters.
- Wide_Character - containing the set of ISO-10646 BMP characters.
- Wide_Wide_Character - containing the full set of ISO-10646 characters.
The GNU Ada compiler (GNAT) seems to read in text files as bytes, completely ignoring any operating system data on graphic symbol encoding. You tin can use -gnatW8 in Ada 2005 way to utilise UTF-8 characters in identifier names.
ALGOL 68 [edit]
In official ALGOL 68 a file is composed of pages, lines and characters, however for ALGOL 68 Genie and ELLA ALGOL 68RS this concept is non supported every bit they adopt the Unix concept of files being "apartment", and hence contain merely characters.
The volume tin can contain new foliosouth and new lines, are non of whatsoever item character set, hence are arrangement contained. The character set is fix by a call to make conv, eg make conv(tape, ebcdic conv); - c.f. Character_codes for more details.
In official/standard ALGOL 68 but:
Mode Book = FLEX [0] FLEX [0] FLEX [0] CHAR ; ¢ pages of lines of characters ¢
BOOK book;FILE book file;
INT errno = open (book file, "volume.txt" , stand in channel ) ;get(book file, book)
In one case a "volume" has been read into a book array it can nonetheless be associated with a virtual file and again be accessed with standard file routines (such every bit readf, printf, putf, getf, new line etc). This means information tin can be directly manipulated from a array cached in "core" using transput (stdio) routines.
In official/standard ALGOL 68 simply:
FILE buried book file;
acquaintance (cached volume file, volume)
Astonishing Hopper [edit]
Hopper simply stores 1 BM of characters for each string variable. If the file to be read "all at one time" exceeds that size, the file tin be read, and every 1MB saved in a row of a dynamic array of strings, using the Button instruction for each portion read. In this fashion, it is possible to work with portions of a file.
For at present, just a simple version is shown.
#include <hopper.h>master:
load str ("archivo.txt") (south)
println ( "File loaded:\n",due south )
go out(0)
File loaded: RX/RY,A,B,C,D,Eastward,F,G,H,I,J fila ane,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.998,eight,9.034,10 fila 2,ten,20,30,xl,50,60,70,80,90,100 fila 3,100,200,300.5,400,500,600,700,800,900,grand fila four,5,ten,fifteen,20,25,thirty,35,40,45,50 fila 5,a,b,c,d,e,f,grand,h,i,j fila 6,1,two,3,4,5,6,vii,8,ix,10
AppleScript [edit]
prepare pathToTextFile to ( ( path to desktop folder every bit cord ) & "testfile.txt" )-- short way: open, read and shut in one footstep
set fileContent to read file pathToTextFile-- long style: open a file reference, read content and close admission
set fileRef to open for access pathToTextFile
set fileContent to read fileRef
close access fileRef
Arturo [edit]
contents: read "input.txt"
ATS [edit]
There are various functions in the ATS prelude, including this one that is based on fread(3) and returns Strptr1:
val s = fileref_get_file_string (stdin_ref)
Because Strptr1 is a NUL-terminated cord, fileref_get_file_string cannot be used for information that contains bytes equal to zippo.
AutoHotkey [edit]
fileread , varname, C:\filename.txt ; calculation "MsgBox %varname%" (no quotes) to the next line will display the file contents.
This script works fine as-is provided C:\filename.txt exists.
AutoIt [edit]
$fileOpen = FileOpen ( "file.txt" )
$fileRead = FileRead ( $fileOpen )
FileClose ( $fileOpen )
AWK [edit]
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
## empty record carve up,
## read line (i.e. whole file) into $0
## impress line number and content of line
print "=== line " NR,":",$0;
## no further line is read printed
print "=== line " NR,":",$0;
#!/usr/bin/awk -f@include "readfile"
str = readfile( "file.txt" )
print str}
BaCon [edit]
For string data:
content$ = LOAD$(filename$)
For memory mapped binary data:
binary = BLOAD ( "somefile.bin" )
Print "Start two bytes are: ", PEEK ( binary ), " ", PEEK ( binary+i )
Free binary
BASIC [edit]
Whether or not diverse encodings are supported is implementation-specific.
DIM f As String
OPEN "file.txt" FOR BINARY AS 1
f = SPACE$ ( LOF ( 1 ) )
Become #one , i , f
Commodore Bones [edit]
10 rem load the entire contents of some text file as a single string variable.
20 rem should avoid reading an entire file at in one case if the file is large
30 rem ================================
twoscore impress chr$(14) : rem switch to upper+lowercase graphic symbol fix
50 open 4,viii,4,"information.txt,seq,read"
threescore due north=0
70 for i=0 to i
eighty get#four,x$
ninety i=st and 64 : rem check for 'end-of-file'
100 if i=0 so a$=a$+10$ : north=north+1
110 if n=255 then i=one : rem max string length is 255 only
120 next
130 close 4
140 end
BASIC256 [edit]
f = freefile
open f, "input.txt"
while not eof(f)
linea$ = readline(f)
impress linea$
end while
shut f
Truthful Bones [edit]
OPEN #ii: NAME "input.txt" , ORG TEXT, ACCESS INPUT , CREATE Quondam
LINE INPUT #two: linea$
Impress linea$
Shut #2
Yabasic [edit]
open "input.txt" for reading as #ane
while not eof(ane)
line input #1 linea$
print linea$
close #1
Or too
a = open up("input.txt")
while not eof(a)
line input #a linea$
print linea$
BBC Basic [edit]
In BBC BASIC for Windows and Brandy BASIC the maximum cord length is 65535 characters.
file% = OPENIN("input.txt")
strvar$ = ""
strvar$ += CHR$(BGET#file%)
Close #file%
API version:
file% = OPENIN("input.txt")
strvar$ = String$(EXT#file%, " ")
SYS "ReadFile", @hfile%(file%), !^strvar$, EXT#file%, ^temp%, 0
CLOSE #file%
Bracmat [edit]
Brainf*** [edit]
While the linguistic communication certainly doesn't support strings in the traditional sense, relaxing the definition to mean whatsoever contiguous sequence of zilch-terminated bytes permits a reasonable facsimile. This cat program eschews the simpler byte-by-byte arroyo (,[.,]) to demonstrate the technique.
> Keep cell 0 at 0 as a sentry value
, [ > , ] Read into successive cells until EOF
< [ < ] Go all the way back to the beginning
> [ . > ] Impress successive cells while nonzero
$ curl -Ls | bf ">,[>,]<[<]>[.>]" <!DOCTYPE html> ... </html> Tape: [0, 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 104, 116, 109, 108, 62, x ... threescore, 47, 104, 116, 109, 108, 62, ten, 0]
Brat [edit]
include file_name
C [edit]
Information technology is non possible to specify encodings: the file is read as binary data (on some organisation, the b flag is ignored and there's no difference between "r" and "rb"; on others, it changes the fashion the "new lines" are treated, but this should not impact fread)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main( )
char *buffer;
FILE *fh = fopen ( "readentirefile.c" , "rb" ) ;
if ( fh != NULL )
fseek (fh, 0L , SEEK_END) ;
long south = ftell (fh) ;
rewind (fh) ;
buffer = malloc (s) ;
if ( buffer != Zero )
fread (buffer, southward, 1 , fh) ;
// nosotros tin can now close the file
fclose (fh) ; fh = Nada;// do something, e.g.
fwrite (buffer, s, one , stdout) ;costless (buffer) ;
if (fh != Zero) fclose (fh) ;
Retentiveness map [edit]
Nosotros can retention-map the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>int primary( )
char *buffer;
struct stat s;int fd = open up( "readentirefile_mm.c" , O_RDONLY) ;
if (fd < 0 ) return EXIT_FAILURE;
fstat(fd, &s) ;
/* PROT_READ disallows writing to buffer: will segv */
buffer = mmap( 0 , s.st_size , PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0 ) ;if ( buffer != ( void * ) - 1 )
/* practice something */
fwrite (buffer, south.st_size , i , stdout) ;
munmap(buffer, s.st_size ) ;
}close(fd) ;
Memory map on Windows. See MSDN, starting with File Mapping. In practice, it would be necessary to check for errors, and to take care of large files. Too, this example is using a view on the whole file, but it's possible to create a smaller view.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>int main( ) {
HANDLE hFile, hMap;
DWORD filesize;
char *p;hFile = CreateFile( "mmap_win.c" , GENERIC_READ, 0 , Null, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL) ;
filesize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL) ;
hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, Aught, PAGE_READONLY, 0 , 0 , NULL) ;
p = MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;fwrite (p, filesize, 1 , stdout) ;
CloseHandle(hMap) ;
CloseHandle(hFile) ;
return 0 ;
C# [edit]
using Organisation.IO ;class Program
static void Main( string [ ] args)
var fileContents = File. ReadAllText ( "c:\\autoexec.bat" ) ;
// Tin optionally take a 2d parameter to specify the encoding, e.thou. File.ReadAllText("c:\\autoexec.bat", Encoding.UTF8)
C++ [edit]
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>int master( )
if (std:: ifstream infile( "sample.txt" ) )
// construct string from iterator range
std:: cord fileData(std:: istreambuf_iterator < char > (infile), std:: istreambuf_iterator < char > ( ) ) ;cout << "File has " << fileData.size ( ) << "chars\northward" ;
// don't demand to manually shut the ifstream; it will release the file when it goes out of scope
return 0 ;
std:: cout << "file non found!\n" ;
return 1 ;
Clojure [edit]
The core function slurp does the pull a fast one on; you tin can specify an encoding as an optional 2nd argument:
(slurp "myfile.txt" )
(slurp "my-utf8-file.txt" "UTF-8" )
CMake [edit]
Sets a variable named string.
file (READ /etc/passwd string)
This works with text files, but fails with binary files that contain NUL characters. CMake truncates the string at the first NUL grapheme, and in that location is no way to discover this truncation.
The just way to read binary files is to use the HEX keyword to convert the unabridged file to a hexadecimal string.
file (READ /etc/pwd.db string HEX)
Mutual Lisp [edit]
The post-obit will read and store the file as a sequence of bytes.
( defun file-string (path)
(with-open-file (stream path)
( allow ( (data (make-string (file-length stream) ) ) )
(read-sequence data stream)
data) ) )
The macro with-open-file could exist passed :external-format :utf-viii on some implementations (which it would pass on to open) so that reading would occur past unicode grapheme simply (file-length stream) would proceed to return the number of bytes, non characters, necessary for storing information technology.
Crystal [edit]
The simplest manner to read an entire file to a string is by using
content = ( "input.txt" )
puts content
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam.
The encoding is UTF-viii by default, only it tin can be explicitly specified:
content = ( "input.txt", "UTF-16" )
content = ( "input.txt", encoding: "UTF-16" ) up allows for more options and closes the file implicitly. Combine it with File#gets_to_end to read the unabridged file:
content = ( "input.txt" ) practise |file|
Or no implicit closing at all with
file = ( "input.txt" )
content = file.gets_to_end
D [edit]
import std.file : read, readText;void main( ) {
// To read a whole file into a dynamic array of unsigned bytes:
auto data = bandage ( ubyte [ ] )read( "unixdict.txt" ) ;// To read a whole file into a validated UTF-eight string:
string txt = readText( "unixdict.txt" ) ;
Delphi [edit]
Using TStringList
uses Classes;
i: Integer ;
lList: TStringList;
lList : = TStringList. Create ;
lList. LoadFromFile ( 'c:\input.txt' ) ;
// Write everything at once
Writeln (lList. Text ) ;
// Write one line at a time
for i : = 0 to lList. Count - 1 do
Writeln (lList[i] ) ;
lList. Costless ;
end ;
end .
Works with: Delphi 2010 and above
program ReadAll;{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}
SysUtils, IOUtils;begin
// with default encoding:
Writeln (TFile. ReadAllText ( 'C:\autoexec.bat' ) ) ;
// with encoding specified:
Writeln (TFile. ReadAllText ( 'C:\autoexec.bat' , TEncoding. ASCII ) ) ;
end .
Déjà Vu [edit]
To get a cord from a file, y'all need to explicitly decode the binary blob that is read. Currently simply UTF-8 is supported past vu
local :filecontents !decode!utf-8 !read "file.txt"
E [edit]
<file:foo.txt >.getText ( )
The file is assumed to be in the default encoding.
Elixir [edit]
Two solutions in the FileReader namespace. File returns a tuple: {:ok, file} is successful or {:mistake, reason} if unsuccessful. Errors can exist caught and turned into error strings via Erlang's :file.format_error function.
defmodule FileReader practice
# Read in the file
def read(path) practise
example do
{:ok, body} ->
IO.inspect torso
{:error,reason} ->
end# Open the file path, then read in the file
def bit_read(path) do
case do
{:ok, file} ->
# :all can be replaced with :line, or with a positive integer to specify the number of characters to read.,:all)
|> IO.inspect
{:error,reason} ->
Emacs Lisp [edit]
does all Emacs' usual grapheme coding, magic file names, decompression, format decoding, etc. (insert-file-contents-literally
can avoid that if unwanted.)
( setq my-variable (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents "foo.txt" )
(buffer-string) ) )
(If an existing buffer is visiting the file, perhaps still unsaved, it may be helpful to take its contents instead of re-reading the file. find-buffer-visiting
can locate such a buffer.)
Erlang [edit]
{ok, B } = file:read_file ( "myfile.txt" ) .
This reads the unabridged file into a binary object.
Euphoria [edit]
Euphoria cannot natively handle multibyte character encodings. The openEuphoria team is/was working on supporting it. It may have been implemented by now.
function load_file( sequence filename)
integer fn,c
sequence information
fn = open (filename, "r" ) -- "r" for text files, "rb" for binary files
if (fn = - 1 ) then render { } end if -- failed to open up the fileinformation = { } -- init to empty sequence
c = getc (fn) -- prime the char buffer
while (c != - ane ) do -- while not EOF
data &= c -- append each character
c = getc (fn) -- side by side char
end whileclose (fn)
return data
end function
F# [edit]
// read entire file into variable using default organisation encoding or with specified encoding
open System.IO
allow data = File.ReadAllText (filename)
let utf8 = File.ReadAllText (filename, Organization.Text.Encoding.UTF8 )
Cistron [edit]
USING: io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.binary io.files ;! to read unabridged file equally binary
"foo.txt" binary file-contents! to read entire file as lines of text
"foo.txt" ascii file-lines
Fantom [edit]
Provide the filename to read from equally a command-line parameter.
class ReadString
public static Void primary (Str[] args)
Str contents := File(args[0].toUri).readAllStr
echo ("contents: $contents")
Along [edit]
s" foo.txt" slurp-file ( str len )
Fortran [edit]
Reading the entire source file in memory, then printing information technology. It relies on the SIZE attribute of the INQUIRE argument returning the size of the file in bytes, whereupon the Classify statement prepares a variable of the right size to receive the whole content. This SIZE facility was introduced with F2003, and prior to F90 in that location was no ALLOCATE facility: the size of variables was fixed at compile time.
program read_file
implicit none
integer :: n
character ( : ), allocatable :: sopen( unit = 10, file = "read_file.f90", action = "read", &
form = "unformatted", admission = "stream" )
ask( unit = ten, size =northward)
allocate ( character (n) :: s )
read( 10 ) s
shut( 10 )print "(A)", s
stop programme
Intel Fortran on Windows [edit]
Here is a solution using the Windows API to create a memory map of a file. Information technology is used to print the source code of the program on the console.
plan file_win
apply kernel32
use iso_c_binding
implicit noneinteger (HANDLE) :: hFile, hMap, hOutput
integer (DWORD) :: fileSize
integer (LPVOID) :: ptr
integer (LPDWORD) :: charsWritten
integer (BOOL) :: shFile = CreateFile( "file_win.f90" // c_null_char, GENERIC_READ, &
filesize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL)
hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, Nil)
ptr = MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 )hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
s = WriteConsole(hOutput, ptr, fileSize, transfer (c_loc(charsWritten), 0_c_intptr_t), Cypher)
due south = CloseHandle(hMap)
s = CloseHandle(hFile)
end program
FreeBASIC [edit]
' FB 1.05.0 Win64Open "input.txt" For Input Encoding "ascii" Every bit #i
Dim fileLen Equally LongInt = Lof ( 1 ) '' go file length in bytes
Dim buffer As Cord = Space (fileLen) '' allocate a string of size 'fileLen' bytes
Get #i, 1, buffer '' read all data from commencement of file into the buffer
Print buffer '' print to console
buffer = "" '' release retention used by setting buffer to empty
Close #1
Frink [edit]
The read[URL] function reads the entire contents of a URL. The encoding can exist specified if necessary.
a = read["file:yourfile.txt"]
b = read["file:yourfile.txt", "UTF-8"]
FutureBasic [edit]
Note: This code goes beyond simply specifying the file to open. Information technology includes a dialog window that allows the user to select a text file to read. Depending on system memory, as many as 4.2 billion characters can be read. The file contents are placed in a convenient console window with automatic save every bit, re-create and paste, select all and undo commands. (Did I mention that FutureBasic -- or FB equally developers prefer to phone call it -- is handy for Macintosh evolution!) Of grade, the programmer is gratis to code his own window and menu options.
include "ConsoleWindow"local fn ReadTextFile
dim as CFURLRef fileRef
dim as Handle h
dim as CFStringRef cfStr : cfStr = Goose egg
dim as long fileLenif ( files$( _CFURLRefOpen, "TEXT", "Select text file...", @fileRef ) )
open up "i", 2, fileRef
fileLen = lof( 2, 1 )
h = fn NewHandleClear( fileLen )
if ( h )
read file two, [h], fileLen
shut #2
cfStr = fn CFStringCreateWithBytes( _kCFAllocatorDefault, #[h], fn GetHandleSize(h), _kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, _false )
fn DisposeH( h )
end if
// User canceled
end iffn HIViewSetText( sConsoleHITextView, cfStr )
CFRelease( cfStr )
stop fnfn ReadTextFile
This tin exist shortened considerably by wrapping Objective-C code:
include "ConsoleWindow" local fn ReadTextFile dim as CFURLRef fileRef dim equally CFStringRef cfStr : cfStr = Naught if ( files$( _CFURLRefOpen, "TEXT", "Select text file...", @fileRef ) ) BeginCCode cfStr = (CFStringRef)[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)fileRef encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:aught]; EndC fn HIViewSetText( sConsoleHITextView, cfStr ) CFRelease( cfStr ) else // User canceled end if end fn fn ReadTextFile
Gambas [edit]
Public Sub Form_Open( )
Dim sFile As StringsFile = File.Load ( User.home &/ "file.txt" )
GAP [edit]
s := ReadAll(f);; # 2 semicolons to hibernate the result, which may exist long
Genie [edit]
[indent= 4 ]
Read unabridged file, in Genievalac
./readEntireFile [filename]
fileName: string
fileContents: string
fileName = (args[ i ] is null ) ? "" : args[ one ]try
FileUtils.get_contents (fileName, out fileContents)
except exc:Error
print "Error: %s", exc.message
returnstdout.printf ( "%d bytes read from %s\n", fileContents.length, fileName)
prompt$ valac prompt$ ./readEntireFile 443 bytes read from prompt$ ./readEntireFile nofile Error: Failed to open file ?nofile?: No such file or directory prompt$ ./readEntireFile 291 bytes read from
Go [edit]
Become has good support for working with strings equally UTF-8, just there is no requirement that strings be UTF-8 and in fact they can concur arbitrary information. ioutil.ReadFile returns the contents of the file unaltered equally a byte array. The conversion in the side by side line from byte array to string too makes no changes to the data. In the example below sv will take an exact re-create of the data in the file, without regard to encoding.
import "io/ioutil"data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
sv := cord (data)
Go also supports memory mapped files on OSes with a mmap syscall (e.m. Unix-like). The following prints the contents of "file". (The included "build constraint" prevents this from beingness compiled on architectures known to lack syscall.Mmap, some other source file with the opposite build constraint could use ioutil.ReadFile as above).
// +build !windows,!plan9,!nacl // These lack syscall.Mmappackage chief
import (
)func principal() {
f, err := os.Open( "file" )
if err != nil {
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != zilch {
data, err := syscall.Mmap( int (f.Fd()), 0 , int (fi.Size()),
syscall.PROT_READ, syscall.MAP_PRIVATE)
if err != aught {
fmt.Println( string (information))
Dandy [edit]
def fileContent = new File ( "c:\\file.txt" ).text
GUISS [edit]
Haskell [edit]
In the IO monad:
do text <- readFile filepath
-- do stuff with text
Note that readFile
is lazy. If you want to ensure the entire file is read in at in one case, before any other IO actions are run, try:
eagerReadFile :: FilePath -> IO String
eagerReadFile filepath = do
text <- readFile filepath
last text `seq` return text
Icon and Unicon [edit]
The first lawmaking snippet beneath reads from stdin directly into the string fs, preserving line separators (if any) and reading in large chunks.
every (fs := "" ) ||:= | reads ( 1000000 )
The second lawmaking snippet below performs the aforementioned performance using an intermediate list fL and applying a function (eastward.g. FUNC) to each line. Utilize this grade when you need to perform additional string functions such every bit 'trim' or 'map' on each line. This avoids unnecessary garbage collections which will occur with larger files. The list can exist discarded when done. Line separators are mapped into newlines.
every put (fL := [ ] ,|FUNC( read ( ) ) )
every (fs := "" ) ||:= !fL || "\n"
fL := & null
Inform 7 [edit]
File admission is sandboxed by the interpreter, so this solution essentially requires that the file take been previously written by an Inform program running from the same location under the same interpreter.
Domicile is a room.The File of Testing is called "test".
When play begins:
say "[text of the File of Testing]";
terminate the story.
J [edit]
crave 'files' NB. not needed for J7 & later
var=: freads 'foo.txt'
To memory map the file:
crave 'jmf'
JCHAR map_jmf_ 'var';'foo.txt'
Caution: updating the value of the memory mapped variable will update the file, and this feature remains when the variable's value is passed, unmodified, to a verb which modifies its own local variables.
Java [edit]
There is no unmarried method to do this in Java 6 and below (probably because reading an entire file at once could fill up up your retention quickly), and so to do this yous could but append the contents as you read them into a buffer.
import ;
import ;
import ;public class ReadFile {
public static void master( String [ ] args) throws IOException {
String fileContents = readEntireFile( "./foo.txt" ) ;
}private static String readEntireFile( String filename) throws IOException {
FileReader in = new FileReader (filename) ;
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder( ) ;
char [ ] buffer = new char [ 4096 ] ;
int read = 0 ;
practice {
contents.append (buffer, 0, read) ;
read = (buffer) ;
} while (read >= 0 ) ;
in.close ( ) ;
render contents.toString ( ) ;
One can memory-map the file in Java, but there'due south little to gain if one is to create a String out of the file:
import coffee.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode ;
import coffee.nio.MappedByteBuffer ;
import ;
import ;
import ;public grade MMapReadFile {
public static void main( String [ ] args) throws IOException {
MappedByteBuffer vitrify = getBufferFor( new File (args[ 0 ] ) ) ;
String results = new String (buff.asCharBuffer ( ) ) ;
}public static MappedByteBuffer getBufferFor( File f) throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile (f, "r" ) ;MappedByteBuffer buffer = file.getChannel ( ).map (MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, f.length ( ) ) ;
file.close ( ) ;
return buffer;
or 1 can take a shortcut:
String content = new Scanner( new File ( "foo" ), "UTF-8" ).useDelimiter ( "\\A" ).side by side ( ) ;
this works because Scanner volition search the file for a delimiter and return everything before that. \A
is the beginning of the file, which it volition never notice until the end of the file is reached.
Java 7 added java.nio.file.Files
which has two methods for accomplishing this task: Files.readAllLines
and Files.readAllBytes
import java.util.List ;
import java.nio.charset.Charset ;
import coffee.nio.file.* ;public class ReadAll {
public static List < String > readAllLines( String filesname) {
Path file = Paths.become (filename) ;
return Files.readAllLines (file, Charset.defaultCharset ( ) ) ;
}public static byte [ ] readAllBytes( String filename) {
Path file = Paths.become (filename) ;
render Files.readAllBytes (file) ;
JavaScript [edit]
This works in IExplorer or a standalone js file. Note the similarity to the VBScript code.
var fso= new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ;
var f=fso.OpenTextFile ( "c:\\myfile.txt" , ane ) ;
var southward=f.ReadAll ( ) ;
f.Close ( ) ;
try {alert(due south) } catch (east) {WScript.Repeat (s) }
The following works in all browsers, including IE10.
var file = document.getElementById ( "fileInput" ).files.particular ( 0 ) ; //a file input element
if (file) {
var reader = new FileReader( ) ;
reader.readAsText (file, "UTF-8" ) ;
reader.onload = loadedFile;
reader.onerror = errorHandler;
role loadedFile(event) {
var fileString = ;
alert(fileString) ;
office errorHandler(event) {
alert(event) ;
jq [edit]
The . filter will read in a file of raw text, e.g. if the file is named input.txt and we wanted to emit information technology equally a unmarried JSON string:
jq -R -s . input.txt
In practice, this is probably not very useful. It would be more than typical to collect the raw lines into an array of JSON strings.
If it is known that the lines are delimited by a single "newline" graphic symbol, then one could simply pipe from one jq control to another:
jq -R . input.txt | jq -s .
jq -R -south 'split("\n")' input.txt
Other cases tin be similarly handled.
Jsish [edit]
var contents = ( "filename" )
From the shell:
prompt$ jsish Jsish interactive: run into 'help [cmd]' # var contents ="README") variable # contents "Jsi is a pocket-sized javascript interpreter for embedded-C development. Internally Jsi emulates Tcl. The parser and execution engine originate from quad_wheel, It is beingness adult nether an MIT license. "
Julia [edit]
The built-in function read
, when used with a second argument of String, reads the whole file named by its commencement argument into a string (assuming UTF8 encoding).
read("/devel/myfile.txt", String) # read file into a string
Alternatively, for files that are too large to read into retentiveness without swapping, there are a multifariousness of ways to retentivity-map the file, for example as an array of bytes:
A = Mmap.mmap(open("/devel/myfile.txt"), Array{UInt8,one})
KAP [edit]
The built-in part io:readFile
volition read the entire content of the file every bit a string:
content ← io:readFile "file.txt"
The function io:read
tin can be used to return all the lines in the file as an assortment:
content ← io:read "file.txt"
Kotlin [edit]
import main(args: Array<Cord> ) {
println(File( "unixdict.txt" ).readText (charset = Charsets.UTF_8 ) )
LabVIEW [edit]
This image is a VI Snippet, an executable epitome of LabVIEW lawmaking. The LabVIEW version is shown on the summit-right hand corner. You can download it, so drag-and-drop information technology onto the LabVIEW block diagram from a file browser, and it will appear equally runnable, editable lawmaking.
Lang5 [edit]
'foo.txt slurp
Lasso [edit]
By default, cord objects, which are ever Unicode, are created with the assumption that the file contains UTF-8 encoded data. This supposition tin can be changed by settings the file objects's graphic symbol encoding value. When reading the data as a bytes object, the unaltered file information is returned.
local(f) = file('foo.txt')
LFE [edit]
( gear up `#(ok ,data) (file: read_file "myfile.txt" ) )
Liberty Basic [edit]
filedialog "Open up a Text File" , "*.txt" ,file$
if file$<> "" then
open file$ for input as # 1
entire$ = input$( # i , lof ( # ane ) )
close # 1
print entire$
end if
Lingo [edit]
-- Reads whole file, returns string
-- @param {cord} tFile
-- @return {string|false}
on readFile (tFile)
fp = xtra("fileIO").new()
fp.openFile(tFile, 1)
if fp.status() and then return false
res = fp.readFile()
return res
LiveCode [edit]
Livecode offers 2 ways:
Using URL
put URL "file:///usr/share/dict/words" into tVar
put the number of lines of tVar
Using file open + read + close
local tFile,tLinecount
put "/usr/share/dict/words" into tFile
open file tFile for text read
read from file tFile until EOF
put the number of lines of it -- file contents held in "it" variable
close file tFile
Lua [edit]
--If the file opens with no problems, volition return a
--handle to the file with methods attached.
--If the file does not exist, will return nil and
--an error message.
--assert will render the handle to the file if present, or
--it will throw an error with the bulletin returned second
--by up.
local file = assert ( up (filename) )
--Without wrapping in an assert, local file would exist nil,
--which would cause an 'endeavour to index a cipher value' error when
--calling file:read.--file:read takes the number of bytes to read, or a string for
--special cases, such every bit "*a" to read the unabridged file.
local contents = file: read '*a'--If the file handle was local to the expression
--(ie. "assert('a'"),
--the file would remain open until its handle was
--garbage collected.
file:close( )
M2000 Interpreter [edit]
Module checkit {
\\ fix a file
\\ Save.Doc and Append.Doc to file, Load.Doc and Merge.Doc from file
document a$
a$={First Line
2d line
Third Line
Ελληνικά Greek Letters
Save.Md a$, "checkthis.txt", 2 ' 2 for UTF-8Buffer1=Buffer("checkthis.txt")
Impress Len(Buffer1)=Filelen("checkthis.txt")
b$=String$(Eval$(Buffer1, 0) equally UTF8Dec)
Report b$
openfile$=FILE$("text file","txt") a$, openfile$
Edit.Doc a$
M4 [edit]
An approximation to file reading tin can be had by include()
which reads a file as M4 input. If it's within a define()
then the input is captured as a definition. But this is extremely limited since whatever macro names, parens, commas, quote characters etc in the file will expand and upset the capture.
Brand [edit]
contents := $ ( vanquish cat foo.txt)
This is from the GNU Make manual. As noted there, newlines are converted to spaces in the $(contents)
variable. This might exist adequate for files which are a listing of words anyway.
Maple [edit]
First solution:
s1 := readbytes( "file1.txt", infinity, TEXT ):
Second solution:
s2 := FileTools:-Text:-ReadFile( "file2.txt" ):
Mathematica/Wolfram Language [edit]
MATLAB / Octave [edit]
fid = fopen ( 'filename','r' );
[str,count] = fread (fid, [ i,inf ], 'uint8=>char' ); % south volition be a grapheme array, count has the number of bytes
fclose (fid);
Mercury [edit]
:- module read_entire_file.
:- interface.:- import_module io.
:- pred master(io::di, io::uo) is det.:- implementation.
:- import_module string.chief(!IO) :-
io.open_input("file.txt", OpenResult, !IO),
OpenResult = ok(File),
io.read_file_as_string(File, ReadResult, !IO),
ReadResult = ok(FileContents),
io.write_string(FileContents, !IO)
ReadResult = error(_, IO_Error),
io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
io.write_string(Stderr, io.error_message(IO_Error) ++ "\north", !IO)
OpenResult = error(IO_Error),
io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
io.write_string(Stderr, io.error_message(IO_Error) ++ "\north", !IO)
Microsoft Small-scale Basic [edit]
Nanoquery [edit]
import Nanoquery.IO
contents = new(File, "example.txt").readAll()
Neko [edit]
Read entire file
nekoc read-entire-file.neko
neko read-unabridged-file
*/var file_contents = $loader.loadprim ( "[e-mail protected]_contents", ane );
try {
var entire_file = file_contents( "read-entire-file.neko" );
$print( "Read: ", $ssize(entire_file), " bytes\n" );
} catch e {
$print( "Exception: ", e, "\n" );
prompt$ nekoc read-entire-file.neko prompt$ neko read-entire-file.north Read: 325 bytes
NetRexx [edit]
/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinaryparse arg inFileName .
if inFileName = '' | inFileName = '.' then inFileName = './data/dwarfs.json'
fileContents = slurp(inFileName)
say fileContentsreturn
-- Slurp a file and render contents as a Rexx string
method slurp(inFileName) public static returns Rexxslurped = Rexx null
slurpStr = StringBuilder( )
ioBuffer = byte[ 1024 ]
inBytes = int 0do
inFile = File(inFileName)
inFileIS = BufferedInputStream(FileInputStream(inFile) )loop characterization ioLoop until inBytes = -1
slurpStr.suspend (Cord(ioBuffer, 0, inBytes) )
inBytes = (ioBuffer)
cease ioLoopcatch exFNF = FileNotFoundException
take hold of exIO = IOException
inFileIS.close ( )
grab ex = IOException
endslurped = Rexx(slurpStr.toString )
return slurped
NewLISP [edit]
( read-file "filename" )
Nim [edit]
To read the content of a file specified by its proper name:
To read the contents of an opened file:
Objeck [edit]
string := FileReader-> ReadFile ( "in.txt" ) ;
Objective-C [edit]
/*** 0. Training */
// We need a text file to read; let'due south redirect a C string to a new file
// using the shell by way of the stdlib arrangement() office.
organization ( "echo \"Hello, World!\" > ~/HelloRosetta" );/*** one. THE TASK */
// Instantiate an NSString which describes the filesystem location of
// the file we will be reading.
NSString *filePath = [NSHomeDirectory( ) stringByAppendingPathComponent: @ "HelloRosetta" ];// The selector nosotros're going to use to complete this chore,
// stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:fault, has an optional `fault'
// parameter which can be used to return information near whatever
// errors information technology might run into. It's optional, but we'll create an NSError
// anyways to demonstrate all-time practise.
NSError *anError;// And finally, the task: read and store the contents of a file equally an
// NSString.
NSString *aString = [ NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath
error:&anError];// If the file read was unsuccessful, display the mistake description.
// Otherwise, display the NSString.
if ( !aString) {
NSLog( @ "%@", [anError localizedDescription] );
} else {
NSLog( @ "%@", aString);
OCaml [edit]
For most uses we tin use this function:
let load_file f =
let ic = open_in f in
allow northward = in_channel_length ic in
allow southward = Bytes.create due north in
really_input ic due south 0 due north;
close_in ic;
We can supercede the last line with the one below if we want to return a type string
instead of bytes
(Bytes.unsafe_to_string due south)
There is no problem reading an entire file with the function really_input
because this function is implemented appropriately with an internal loop, only it can only load files which size is equal or inferior to the maximum length of an ocaml string. This maximum size is bachelor with the variable Sys.max_string_length
. On 32 fleck machines this size is near 16Mo.
To load bigger files several solutions exist, for example create a construction that contains several strings where the contents of the file can be split. Or another solution that is often used is to employ a bigarray of chars instead of a string:
type big_string =
( char, Bigarray .int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray .c_layout) Bigarray .Array1.t
The function below returns the contents of a file with this type big_string
, and information technology does and then with "memory-mapping":
let load_big_file filename =
permit fd = Unix .openfile filename [ Unix .O_RDONLY] 0o640 in
permit len = Unix .lseek fd 0 Unix .SEEK_END in
permit _ = Unix .lseek fd 0 Unix .SEEK_SET in
allow shared = fake in (* modifications are done in retentiveness only *)
let bstr = Bigarray .Array1.map_file fd
Bigarray . char Bigarray .c_layout shared len in
Unix .close fd;
Then the length of the information can be get with Bigarray.Array1.dim
instead of String.length
, and we tin access to a given char with the syntactic saccharide bstr.{i}
(instead of str.[i]
) as shown in the small slice of code below (similar to the cat command):
let ( ) =
let bstr = load_big_file Sys .argv. ( 1 ) in
let len = Bigarray .Array1.dim bstr in
for i = 0 to pred len do
let c = bstr. {i} in
print_char c
Ol [edit]
( define content (bytes-> cord
(file-> vector "file.txt" ) ) ) )(impress content)
ooRexx [edit]
version 1 [edit]
file = 'c:\examination.txt'
myStream = . stream~new(file)
myString = myStream~charIn (,myStream~chars )
Streams are opened on demand and closed when the script finishes. It is possible if you wish to open and close the streams explicitly
file = 'c:\test.txt'
myStream = . stream~new(file)
if mystream~open( 'read' ) = 'Fix:'
then exercise
myString = myStream~charIn (,myStream~chars )
version 2 EXECIO [edit]
One tin can as well utilize EXECIO as information technology is known from VM/CMS and MVS/TSO:
address hostemu 'execio * diskr "./" (finis stem in.'
Say in.0 'lines in file'
Practice i=1 To in.0
Say i '>'in.i'<'
say 'v='v
::requires "hostemu" LIBRARY
East:\>rexx ref 6 lines in file i >address hostemu 'execio * diskr "./" (finis stem in.'< ii >Say in.0< 3 >Exercise i=1 To in.0< four > Say i '>'in.i'<'< five > Stop< 6 >::requires "hostemu" LIBRARY< 5=address hostemu 'execio * diskr "./" (finis stem in.'Say in.0Do i=1 To in .0 Say i '>'in.i'<' End::requires "hostemu" LIBRARY
OxygenBasic [edit]
2 Formats:
string south 'AS Function southward=GetFile "t.txt" 'AS PROCEDURE Getfile "t.txt",s
Oz [edit]
The interface for file operations is object-oriented.
FileHandle = {New Open.file init(proper noun:"test.txt" ) }
FileContents = {FileHandle read(size:all listing:$) }
{FileHandle close}
{Organisation.printInfo FileContents}
is a list of bytes. The performance does non assume any particular encoding.
Panda [edit]
It returns a unicode string of type 'text'.
file:readme.txt .text
PARI/GP [edit]
The GP interpreter's power to read files is extremely limited; reading an entire file is almost all that it can exercise. The C code PARI library is non similarly limited.
returns a vector of strings which are the file lines, without newlines. They can exist concatenated to brand a single string.
str = concat ( apply (s-> concat (s, "\n" ) , readstr( "file.txt" ) ) )
Since readstr()
returns strings without newlines there's no way to tell whether the last line had a newline or non. This is fine for its intended use on text files, but non practiced for reading binary files.
Pascal [edit]
See TStrignList example of Delphi
Perl [edit]
The modern recommended way, is using ane of these CPAN modules:
employ File:: Slurper 'read_text' ;
my $text = read_text( $filename , $data ) ; -
use Path:: Tiny ;
my $text = path( $filename ) -> slurp_utf8 ; -
utilize IO:: All ;
$text = io( $filename ) -> utf8 -> all ;
Traditional means, without CPAN modules:
open my $fh , '<:encoding(UTF-eight)' , $filename or die "Could not open '$filename': $!" ;
my $text ;
read $fh , $text , - s $filename ;
shut $fh ; -
my $text ;
local $/ = undef ;
open my $fh , '<:encoding(UTF-8)' , $filename or die "Could not open '$filename': $!" ;
$text = < $fh >;
shut $fh ;
} -
my $text = practise { local ( @ ARGV , $/ ) = ( $filename ) ; <> } ;
For a 1-liner from crush, use -0[code]
. Information technology unremarkably specifies the oct char code of record separator ($/
), and so for case perl -northward -040
would read chunks of text ending at each space ($/ = ' '
). However, -0777
has special meaning: $/ = undef
, so the whole file is read in at once (chr 0777
happens to be "ǿ", only Larry doesn't think 1 should utilise that as tape separator).
perl -northward -0777 -e 'print "file len: ".length' stuff.txt
Memory-mapping [edit]
use File:: Map 'map_file' ;
map_file( my $str , "foo.txt" ) ;
impress $str ;
use Sys:: Mmap ;
Sys:: Mmap -> new ( my $str , 0 , 'foo.txt' )
or die "Cannot Sys::Mmap->new: $!" ;
print $str ;
has the advantage of not requiring an explicit munmap()
. Its necktie is faster than the tie form of Sys::Mmap
Phix [edit]
? get_text ( command_line ()[ 2 ])
The value returned past get_text is really a string containing raw binary data (no \r\north -> \northward commutation, fifty-fifty when the file is opened in text manner) and is non limited to text files.
In that location is no builtin method for treatment dissimilar encodings, but demo\edita handles all such files with ease, including the swell little encoding drop-downwardly on the open/shut dialog.
PHP [edit]
Read as string
file_get_contents ( $filename )
Read as array, ane element per line
file ( $filename )
PicoLisp [edit]
Using 'till' is the shortest way:
(in "file" (till Zero T))
To read the file into a listing of characters:
(in "file" (till NIL))
or, more explicit:
(in "file" (make (while (char) (link @))))
Encoding is always assumed to exist UTF-8.
Pike [edit]
string content=Stdio.File ( "foo.txt" ) ->read( ) ;
would exist the generic fashion of reading an unabridged file, but there is besides a special function for information technology:
string content=Stdio.read_file ( "foo.txt" ) ;
PL/I [edit]
get file (in) edit ((substr(s, i, ane) do i = 1 to 32767)) (a);
PowerShell [edit]
Get-Content foo.txt
This will only notice Unicode correctly with a BOM in identify (even for UTF-8). With explicit selection of encoding:
Get-Content foo.txt -Encoding UTF8
All the same, both return an array of strings which is fine for pipeline utilise merely if a single cord is desired the array needs to be joined:
( Get-Content foo.txt) -join "`n"
PureBasic [edit]
A file can be read with any of the built in commands
Number.b = ReadByte (#File)
Length.i = ReadData (#File, *MemoryBuffer, LengthToRead)
Number.c = ReadCharacter (#File)
Number.d = ReadDouble (#File)
Number.f = ReadFloat (#File)
Number.i = ReadInteger(#File)
Number.l = ReadLong (#File)
Number.q = ReadQuad (#File)
Text$ = ReadString (#File [, Flags] )
Number.w = ReadWord (#File)
If the file is s pure text file (no CR/LF etc.), this will work and will read each line untill EOL is found.
If ReadFile ( 0, "RC.txt" )
Variable$= ReadString ( 0 )
CloseFile ( 0 )
Since PureBasic terminates strings with a #NULL and also split the ReadString() is encountering new line chars, any file containing these must be treated as a data stream.
Title$= "Select a file"
Pattern$= "Text (.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
fileName$ = OpenFileRequester (Title$,"",Design$,0 )
If fileName$
If ReadFile ( 0, fileName$)
length = Lof ( 0 )
*MemoryID = AllocateMemory (length)
If *MemoryID
bytes = ReadData ( 0, *MemoryID, length)
MessageRequester ( "Info",Str (bytes) + " was read" )
CloseFile ( 0 )
Python [edit]
open up (filename).read ( )
This returns a byte string and does not assume whatsoever particular encoding.
In Python 3 strings are in unicode, you can specify encoding when reading:
open (filename, encoding= 'utf-8' ).read ( )
Python docs recommend dealing with files using the with statement:
with open up (filename) as f:
information = ( )
Starting in Python 3.iv, we can use pathlib
to reduce average:
from pathlib import Pathany_string = Path(filename).read_text (encoding= 'utf-eight' )
any_binary_data = Path(filename).read_bytes ( )
Quackery [edit]
takes a file name in a string as an argument, appends a file path if at that place is 1 on the ancillary stack filepath
, and returns the contents of the file equally a string, and 1
(i.e. true) if the file exists. If the file does non be it returns the proper name of the file and 0
(i.east. false).
$ "myfile.txt" sharefile
Q [edit]
q)file:read0 `:file.txt
"First line of file"
"Second line of file"
R [edit]
fname <- "notes.txt"
contents <- readChar(fname,$size)
Racket [edit]
(file->string "foo.txt")
Raku [edit]
(formerly Perl 6)
my $string = slurp 'sample.txt' ;
The default encoding is UTF-8. The :enc adverb can be used to specify a different one:
my $string = slurp 'sample.txt' , :enc<UTF- 16 >;
IO::Path objects also provide slurp as a method:
my $string = 'sample.txt' . IO . slurp ;
Raven [edit]
'myfile.txt' read as $content_as_string
'file://r:/habitation/me/myfile.txt' open as $handle
$handle read as $content_as_string
$handle close
REALbasic [edit]
This part accepts a file (FolderItem object) and an optional TextEncoding class. If the TextEncoding is not defined, then REALbasic defaults to UTF-viii. Since it is intended for cantankerous-platform development, REALbasic has a number of built-in tools for working with different text encodings, line terminators, etc. [1]
Office readFile(theFile As FolderItem, txtEncode Equally TextEncoding = Nil) As String
Dim fileContents As String
Dim tis As TextInputStream
tis = tis.Open(theFile)
fileContents = tis.ReadAll(txtEncode)
Render fileContentsException err Every bit NilObjectException
MsgBox("File Non Constitute.")
End Role
REBOL [edit]
read %my-file ; read as text
read /binary %my-file ; preserve contents exactly
Retro [edit]
here 'input.txt file:slurp
REXX [edit]
using LINEIN [edit]
/*REXX program reads an entire file line-by-line and stores it every bit a continuous cord.*/
parse arg iFID . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if iFID=='' then iFID= 'a_file' /*Non specified? And then employ the default.*/
$= /*a string of file's contents (so far).*/
do while lines (iFID) \==0 /*read the file's lines until finished.*/
$=$ || linein (iFID) /*append a (file's) line to the string,*/
end /*while*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
using CHARIN [edit]
Note that CRLF are in the resulting string.
/*REXX program reads a file and stores it as a continuous grapheme str.*/
Parse Version 5
iFID = '' /*proper name of the input file. */
If left(five,xi)='REXX-Regina' |,
left(5,11)='REXX-ooRexx' And then Do
len=chars(iFid) /*size of the file */
5 = charin(iFid,,len) /*read unabridged file */
Else Do /* for other Rexx Interpreters */
Do while chars(iFid)>0 /* read the file chunk by chunk */
say 'five='5
say 'length(v)='length(five)
E:\>rexx refc v=line 1 of 3 line ii of three line 3 of 3 length(v)=39
Ring [edit]
# Read the file
cStr = read("myfile.txt")
# print the file content
See cStr
Also in one line we can read and print the file content.
cStr = read("myfile.txt") Come across cStr
We can avoid the string, but information technology's required in the task.
Run across read("myfile.txt")
Ruby [edit] is for text files. It uses the default text encodings, and on Microsoft Windows, it too converts "\r\northward" to "\n".
# Read entire text file.
str = "foobar.txt"# It can also read a subprocess.
str = "| grep ftp /etc/services"
Caution! and take a portname. To open up an arbitrary path (which might offset with "|"), you must apply, and then IO#read.
path = "|strange-name.txt"
str = (path) { |f| }
To read a binary file, open up it in binary mode.
# Read unabridged binary file.
str = (path, "rb" ) { |f| }
Ruby 1.9 tin can read text files in different encodings.
# Read EUC-JP text from file.
str = up (path, "r:euc-jp" ) { |f| }# Read EUC-JP text from file; transcode text from EUC-JP to UTF-eight.
str = (path, "r:euc-jp:utf-8" ) { |f| }
Run BASIC [edit]
open DefaultDir$ + "/public/exam.txt" for binary as #f
fileLen = LOF(#f)
a$ = input$(#f, fileLen)
print a$
close #f
Rust [edit]
employ std::fs::File;
apply std::io::Read;fn main() {
permit mut file = File::open up("somefile.txt").unwrap();let mut contents: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// Returns corporeality of bytes read and append the result to the buffer
permit result = file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
println!("Read {} bytes", result);// To print the contents of the file
permit filestr = String::from_utf8(contents).unwrap();
println!("{}", filestr);
Scala [edit]
object TextFileSlurper extends App {
val fileLines =
effort ( "my_file.txt", "UTF-eight" ).mkString catch {
instance e: => e.getLocalizedMessage ( )
Scheme [edit]
Uses SRFI-xiii:
( with-input-from-file "foo.txt"
( lambda ( )
(reverse-listing-> string
( let loop ( (char ( read-char ) )
(result '( ) ) )
( if ( eof-object? char)
(loop ( read-char ) ( cons char outcome) ) ) ) ) ) )
Works with Chicken Scheme:
( with-input-from-file "foo.txt" read- string )
In GNU Guile, with decoding into Unicode code points:
(apply-modules (ice- nine textual-ports) )
( phone call-with-input-file "foo.txt" get-cord-all)
Seed7 [edit]
The library getf.s7i defines the function getf, which reads a whole file into a string:
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "getf.s7i";const proc: main is func
var cord: fileContent is "";
fileContent := getf("text.txt");
terminate func;
SenseTalk [edit]
Put file "~/Documents/myFile.txt" into TestFile
put testFile
Sidef [edit]
Reading an unabridged file every bit a string, can be achieved with the FileHandle.slurp() method, as illustrated bellow:
var file = ( __FILE__ );
var content = file.open_r.slurp;
print content;
Starting with version 2.30, tin do the same:
var file = File ( __FILE__ )
var content = ( :utf8 )
print content
Smalltalk [edit]
( StandardFileStream oldFileNamed: 'foo.txt' ) contents
'foo.txt' asFilename contentsAsString
SNOBOL4 [edit]
In SNOBOL4, file I/O is done by associating a variable with the desired file, via the input() built-in function. After the clan, each reference to the named variable provides every bit the variable'south value the next block or line of data from the corresponding file. The verbal format of the input() function parameters tends to vary based on the implementation in use. In this example, the code reads the file in blocks of 512k bytes (or less) until the entire file has been read into one long string in memory.
input(.inbin,21,"filename.txt [-r524288]") :f(end)
rdlp buf = inbin :southward(rdlp)
* now process the 'buf' containing the file
Sparkling [edit]
let contents = readfile("foo.txt");
SPL [edit]
text = #.readtext("filename.txt")
Standard ML [edit]
fun readFile path =
(fn strm =>
TextIO.inputAll strm before TextIO.closeIn strm) (TextIO.openIn path)
Stata [edit]
It'south possible to get the entire content as an array of lines with cat. Notwithstanding, here we want a unmarried string. Encounter fopen and related functions.
f = fopen("somedata.txt", "r")
fseek(f, 0, 1)
due north = ftell(f)
fseek(f, 0, -1)
southward = fread(f, north)
Swift [edit]
import Foundationlet path = "~/input.txt".stringByExpandingTildeInPath
if allow cord = String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
println(cord) // print contents of file
Tcl [edit]
This reads the information in as text, applying the default encoding translations.
ready f [ open $filename ]
set information [ read $f ]
close $f
To read the data in as uninterpreted bytes, either use fconfigure
to put the handle into binary mode before reading, or (from Tcl 8.5 onwards) do this:
set f [ open $filename "rb" ]
gear up data [ read $f ]
close $f
$$ Manner TUSCRIPT
Error/STOP Open ("rosetta.txt",READ,-std-)
var=FILE ("rosetta.txt")
TXR [edit]
@(adjacent "foo.txt")
The freeform directive in TXR causes the remaining lines of the text stream to be treated every bit one big line, catenated together. The default line terminator is the newline "\northward". This lets the entire input exist captured into a single variable as a whole-line lucifer.
UNIX Shell [edit]
We showtime a 'cat' process to read the entire file, and utilise '$(...)' to grab the output of 'cat'. We utilise 'printf' which might be more portable than 'echo'. Because '$(...)' can chop off a newline at the end of the file, we tell 'printf' to add an actress newline.
f=`true cat foo.txt` # f will comprise the entire contents of the file
printf '%s\n' "$f"
f=$( cat foo.txt)
printf '%s\north' "$f"
Some shells provide a shortcut to read a file without starting a 'cat' process.
f=$( <foo.txt)
echo -E "$f"
file=$( <foo.txt)
print $file
zmodload zsh/mapfile
print $mapfile [foo.txt]
Ursa [edit]
decl cord contents
decl file f "filename.txt"
set contents (f.readall)
Vala [edit]
string file_contents;
FileUtils.get_contents ( "foo.txt", out file_contents) ;
VBScript [edit]
Read text file with default encoding into variable and display
dim s
southward = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").opentextfile("slurp.vbs",ane).readall
wscript.repeat s
Read text file with UTF-sixteen encoding into memory and display
wscript.repeat createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").opentextfile("utf16encoded.txt",1,-one).readall
Vedit macro language [edit]
In Vedit Macro Linguistic communication, a "string variable" tin be either an edit buffer or a text register.
Text registers can hold only a limited amount of data (about 120 KB each in current version).
Edit buffers can handle files of unlimited size (even larger than the size of virtual memory). For large files, simply a part of the file is kept in memory, but from users signal of view at that place is no applied departure to having the whole file in retention.
Read file into edit buffer. The buffer is allocated automatically:
File_Open( "case.txt" )
Read file into text annals 10:
Reg_Load( 10 , "example.txt" )
Visual Basic [edit]
Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
ByVal CodePage Every bit Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpMultiByteStr Equally Long, _
ByVal cchMultiByte Every bit Long, _
ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, _
ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long
Const CP_UTF8 Every bit Long = 65001Sub Principal()
Dim fn As Integer
Dim i Every bit Long
Dim b() As Byte
Dim s As Stringfn = FreeFile()
Open "c:\examination.txt" For Binary Access Read As #fn
ReDim b(0 To (LOF(fn) - 1))
Go #fn, i, b()If b(0) = &HFF And b(i) = &HFE Then
'UTF-16, little-endian
ReDim b(0 To (LOF(fn) - 3))
Get #fn, 3, b()
south = b()
ElseIf b(0) = &HEF And b(1) = &HBB And b(ii) = &HBF Then
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0&, VarPtr(b(3)), LOF(fn) - iii, StrPtr(due south), 0)
s = Space$(i)
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0&, VarPtr(b(3)), LOF(fn) - iii, StrPtr(due south), Len(s))
'assume ANSI
due south = StrConv(b(), vbUnicode)
Terminate If
Close #fn
Debug.Print southward
End Sub
Visual Basic .NET [edit]
Imports System. IOPublic Class Form1
' Read all of the lines of a file.
' Function assumes that the file exists.
Individual Sub ReadLines( ByVal FileName As String )Dim oReader As New StreamReader(FileName)
Dim sLine Every bit Cord = oReader. ReadToEnd ( )oReader. Close ( )
Stop Sub
Cease Course
Wart [edit]
with infile "x"
with outstring
whilet line (read_line)
prn line
Wren [edit]
Wren'southward File.Read(path) static method reads the entire contents of the file at path and returns it as a string.
As per the documentation: "No encoding or decoding is done. If the file is UTF-8, so the resulting string will exist a UTF-8 string. Otherwise, it volition be a string of bytes in whatever encoding the file uses."
For the following script, a file called "input.txt" has been created which contains the string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
import "io" for FileSystem. print (File. read ( "input.txt" ) )
XPL0 [edit]
This example reads its own source code file and displays it equally a string. The control line is: readfile <readfile.xpl
include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'lawmaking' declarations
string 0; \use zero-terminated string convention
int I;
char Str;
[Str:= GetHp; \starting accost of block of local "heap" memory
I:= 0; \ [does the exact same thing as Reserve(0)]
loop [Str(I):= ChIn(1);
if Str(I) = $1A\EOF\ then [Str(I):= 0; quit];
I:= I+ane;
SetHp(Str+I+1); \set heap pointer beyond Str (not really needed here)
Text(0, Str); \show file as a string
include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'lawmaking' declarations string 0; \utilise aught-terminated string convention int I; char Str; [Str:= GetHp; \starting accost of block of local "heap" retentiveness I:= 0; \ [does the exact same thing as Reserve(0)] loop [Str(I):= ChIn(1); if Str(I) = $1A\EOF\ and then [Str(I):= 0; quit]; I:= I+1; ]; SetHp(Str+I+1); \set heap pointer across Str (not really needed here) Text(0, Str); \evidence file as a string ]
Xtend [edit]
package com.rosetta.exampleimport
import ReadFile {
def static main( String ... args ) {
val content = new String (Files.readAllBytes (Paths.get ( "file.txt" ) ) )
Yorick [edit]
This loads foo.txt into lines as an assortment of strings. Each array element is one line. Each line's abaft newline is removed.
lines = rdfile("foo.txt");
This loads foo.txt into content as a single scalar string, without losing newlines.
f = open("foo.txt", "rb");
raw = assortment(char, sizeof(f));
_read, f, 0, raw;
shut, f;
content = strchar(raw);
zkl [edit]
data := File("foo.txt","r").read()
The file parameters are the same every bit C'southward
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